All Glory Be to God Most High —God of Stability


Beloved, we serve a mighty God who rules over the affairs of men.

A good friend and sister in Christ called me one glorious Sunday evening with a feeling of hopelessness, discouragement and despair. 

She had believed God for stability in every aspect of life. We encouraged ourselves with the Word of God and agreed to start praying about the issues together. She decided to do the Daniel fast for 21 days, trusting God for divine intervention. After calling on the God of Daniel, Abraham and Isaac, the unchangeable changer and great restorer, the Lord visited her with His loving kindness and tender mercies.

In less than one month later, an application which she had filed in and was abandoned was approved. After over 26 years of waiting for man’s approval, in less than 2months, the good Lord put a new song in her mouth. She was approved to live a fulfilled life in a foreign land.

Are you believing God to establish you in a foreign land? The Lord that remembered this beloved sister when men had forgotten her and given up on her will surely remember you in Jesus’ name, Amen.

“The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” — Psalm 24:1


Praise Our God of Wonders


A Personal Story of The Lord’s Love (A Deliverance and Salvation Story)