2023 — Ephphatha

The Lord is worthy to be praised for opening the Heavens upon us to rain down supernatural abundance and unlimited blessings. After a season of drought and famine, we must appreciate and acknowledge the power and unfailing presence of God in the world. We are in a season of sifting away or getting rid of the unprofitable and shifting or adjusting in all ramifications ranging from the natural, spiritual and intellectual to accommodate the profitable. It is time to drop off every excess luggage and baggage. This requires shutting the door against opposing forces and opening the door for the supernatural flow of the power of God which is able to bring about deliverance, total wholeness and restoration. The waters have dried after the overwhelming flood of the pandemics and other unfavourable occurrences. We praise God Almighty for ushering us into a new realm of Joy and Peace Overflow. 

Our utmost for His Highest is to continually abide in His Presence where there is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. Enjoy God’s everlasting mercies, exceeding grace, uncommon favour and unlimited blessings 

As we celebrate twenty-two victorious years of The Agape Voice of Victory Outreach, we would like to appreciate the kind support of all our destiny helpers, families, friends, collaborators,  vision partners and missionaries all across the globe. 

Our faith, hope and trust remain anchored on Christ the Solid rock upon which we stand immovable, Amen.

 “And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us” (Romans 5:5).

The Agape Annual Testimony Magazine was first published in 2004 and ever since, the good Lord Has empowered and enabled us to release the magazine as well as other resources published for the furtherance and spread of the Gospel. The Agape vision comprises of: Agape Sisters Fellowship, Voice of Victory, An extra mile for Jesus, Shalom Heritage, Voice of Hope “Arise and Shine” Reaching the Uttermost Outreach and other global outreaches.

Voice of Victory our Global online Prayer Ministry is also celebrating 10years of God’s faithfulness. We are grateful to God for showering us continually with amazing testimonies in our midst.

To fulfill God’s purpose and win more souls for the Kingdom of God, we are determined more than ever to follow the leading and dictates of the Holy Spirit as we strategize and reposition ourselves for persistent and aggressive soul winning as an “End-time” army with the heavenly mandate to depopulate hell and populate Heaven.

We are expectant of a great turnaround, moving us from glory to glory and grace to grace.  Hallelujah!

In God’s Vineyard,

Patience Eguavoen