A Personal Story of The Lord’s Love (A Deliverance and Salvation Story)


Have you ever felt you needed to feel The Lord’s Love in a very special way? Just for you personally? Have you ever felt like you just needed that very real and confirming love from God?

Sometimes in life, we just need that so much. Even if you have been a Christian for many years, like I, or you are not, you need God’s divine touch upon your life. Well, this story is one of those. It was a time I needed this “real” touch of His Love for me personally.

Life is busy, and I find myself too busy at times, getting caught up in the world and its routines and activities around me. God has given us a good life indeed but we need balance and we definitely need a time to just simply “rest” in His Presence, to soak in His Love. I believe He is calling us to do more of seeking Him and entering into His rest. I certainly know He is calling me, and I honestly, do not always listen to that “calling”. But, when I do it makes all the difference in my life, and in every area; spiritually, emotionally, physically and in all my relationships, that includes with me and all those I know. Most importantly relationship with The Lord Himself is key.

One morning in September, I felt the Lord calling me aside to spend some quiet time. I had been just so busy over the summer months and feeling especially exhausted and out of balance. After my husband and I had been to our usual Saturday morning outing, I dropped him off at home and said I was just going for a drive to shop somewhere in the East end of Toronto. 

As I was driving along ready to make my left-hand turn to the shop I was planning to go to, I felt a “prompting in my spirit”, to turn down to Ash bridges Bay Park.  As I felt this prompting, I heard the spirit of the Lord whisper to me “Go and take some time with me, go and sit quietly by the water”. I immediately made the right-hand turn towards the Lake.  As I walked along, I prayed, “Where Lord do You want me to sit, there are so many places”, I want to go only where You want me”.  I found a very secluded spot right on some rocks by the water. No one else was around. It was so very peaceful. The sun was sparkling off the Lake and the seagulls were soaring above me. It was just beautiful sitting there soaking up His Creation and that warm sunshine on my face. It felt so good just to be there. There was nowhere else at that moment that I wanted to be. I just sat there and relaxed, looking at the Lake and birds. 

I thought only of this and then started to pray, “Lord, I so need a real touch from you this day, I need to feel something very special from you, your love in a new way and something very personal (this very personal and real was the thing that really stood out for me) and, Lord, I will not leave this place until I meet with You”. 

I lay back on the rock and just praised and thanked Him for His Love and I waited. I waited on Him. After a little while, I felt to sit up.  I felt refreshed and warm, but I still felt that I was not to leave this place, not just yet.  Well at the very moment, I looked to my left, and there on a rock beside me was written a very special “nickname”, a “term of endearment”, of mine, “Bucky,” in very large letters across the entire face of this rock.  There are only two people in this world who know this name and have used it, my dear husband, and his dear Mom, (who has passed on now to be with The Lord).

These words barely touch the love I felt at that moment (His Love for me), and how I “truly” felt in my Spirit, no words can express that such a very personal and real love. Only Our Almighty God could have done this for me. Only He could have orchestrated this …the one place He chose for me to sit and there was this rock with my name on it!

Now I knew I could leave.

The Lord had indeed met with me and shown me that personal, real love that I so needed that day. I left feeling so refreshed and back in harmony with Him. 

Whenever days come now when I feel, low and a bit dry in my spirit, whenever I am going through those “desert” times, I think of this Rock with my name on it and His love for me.

I felt as well that The Lord used this Rock as a symbol of His foundation, for He is our Rock and Salvation, our Foundation. On Jesus Christ, the solid rock I stand, for all other ground is sinking sand.


All Glory Be to God Most High —God of Stability


Praise Jehovah Rapha